Welcome to El Valle Consulting's Website Design sub-web. To return to the main website click on the El Valle Consulting logo on each page or go to the Contents Page.
If you think this page is dull, just wait awhile. We want you to appreciate, and understand,
the good, the bad and the ugly about website design.
Website Design is an interesting subject. It is also complex. We'll try to present you with useful information and options you can use to make intelligent choices about the design of your website. This opening page is a simple page for a website developer. No color, no background, just black on white. There's nothing fancy about this page.
Tip When you see the Tip graphic click it one time with your left mouse button. But
it won't work on this page because we want this page to be "simple."
The El Valle Consulting price for website development is based on the concept of simple, semi-complex and complex design elements.
Click to see the design elements for a
"Simple Page"
Click to see the design elements for a
"Semi-Complex Page"
Click to see the design elements for a
"Complex Page"
We always include a stop-loss maximum cost provision in our Website Design Contract to give you peace of mind that your website design will fit your budget. We never work without a contract. We accept payment by credit cards and we do accept payment by bank check in U.S. funds. Please remember, if we do the work we expect to be paid. We don't do free work.