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What are FrontPage Extensions? And, do you have them?

FrontPage Extensions are required on the host server in order for you to use FrontPage as your WYSIWYG html editor. FrontPage also helps you upload your web pages to your web space on your host server.

Yes! We have FrontPage Extensions installed on our servers. FrontPage is a Special Feature. Why? Because we have to do a bit of work on our end to enable FrontPage on our servers for a FrontPage website..


What is hacking?

Hacking is "breaking into a computer" using software.  Normally hacking is thought of as being done to computers that are on-line either through the Internet or as part of a network.  However, hackers have been known to hack (break-in) an offline computer.  Let's suppose your organization has an offline computer that processes payroll bank checks.  That would be an interesting hack for someone wanting to jiggle some bank checks.

Can hacking be prevented?

Nope.  You can discover it.  You can build defenses.  But, there is no absolute prevention.

How do I prevent hacking?

If you are on-line:  Install a "firewall" which may be either hardware or software.  Remember though, a really determined hacker loves to defeat a firewall.

If you are off-line:  Lock the computer in a vault.  Anyone with time on their hands can break into an off-line computer.

What about passwords?

Nope.  They don't work either.  They do delay the hacking process, but passwords can be broken.  There is plenty of software available on the Internet that make it really easy to decode a password and most encryption schemes.  Check our links page for interesting links.  And remember, for the most part, decoding programs for passwords are required because people forget their passwords.

You can make the hacker work harder if your password is at least 20 characters and the password contains a mix of alphabetic, numeric and special characters.

What can I do if I don't have a firewall?  (Or, even if you do have a firewall!)

Turn off File and Print Sharing.  Here's how in Windows:  Start | Settings | Control Panel | Network | File and Print Sharing | Deselect any options which allow sharing privileges.

Don't open attachments to e-mail. Sounds silly.  But, if you are NOT ABSOLUTELY SURE then don't do it.  This advice works for viruses too; but here we're talking about back-door hacking programs which are passed on as e-mail attachments. 
This is also how Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are started around the Internet.

Use your anti-virus software.  Frequently!  Better yet, most anti-virus software runs in the background (it is always active) and can be set to check all incoming e-mail.  That's good, particularly if you regularly update the related virus dictionary file.

Use digital certificate checking in your browser.  Ask your browser's Help File for info on how to do this.

Use intrusion detection software.  You'll be surprised at the spyware stuff that's on your computer.  See our Links Page for links.

HELM Control Panel

What is the HELM control panel?

HELM is a sophisticated administration tool for web server administrators. HELM also allows web site owners to administer elements of their web site server functions.

HELM requires a reasonably strong computer literacy or else the user can cause their web site to be bombed. So, because we don't like bombs any better than you do, we only make HELM available as a Special Feature and as a standard for our Custom Business Plan (but only if you want it).

Hosting for Free

Can I have free web hosting services?

Not from us.  There are many portal websites, and others, that provide free web space.  You'll probably have to accept advertising from others on your website, but that's why "free site" hosting is free.


Does El Valle design, maintain, market or host pornographic web sites?

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO  Plus, we do NOT allow links to such sites on any websites that we design, maintain or host.

We reserve the right to immediately terminate any web site that contains questionable or illegal content.  We are the only judge of "questionable or illegal" content.  If the judicial court system, or any valid government agency with jurisdiction, rules you are in violation of a law, we will immediately shut down your web site.

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