Domain Name System, or DNS, is the most recognized system for assigning addresses to Internet
web servers (aka "Internet hosts"). Somewhat like international phone numbers, the domain name
system helps to give every Internet server a memorable and easy-to-spell address. Simultaneously,
the domain names keep the really technical IP address invisible for most viewers.
An IP address is a series of numbers; e.g., 123.45.987.22
Every web site, and every user of the Internet, is assigned a unique IP address. When you
are using the Internet your browser is dynamically assigned an IP address by your Internet
Service Provider (ISP) for the duration of your connection to your ISP. On the other hand,
a web site's IP address is a fixed address for the life of a web site at a web server. If the
web site is moved to another web server the IP address is changed.
It is much easier to remember an easy-to-spell name rather than a series of numbers. Thus, the
Internet provides for Domain Names; e.g., Google.com.
1. Domain names are organized right to left, with general descriptors to the right, and
specific descriptors to the left. It is like family surnames to the right, specific person
names to the left. These descriptors are called "domains".
2. The "top level domains" (TLD, or parent domain ) is to the far right of a domain name. Mid
level domains (children and grandchildren) are in the middle. The machine name, often "www",
is to the far left.
3. Levels of domains are separated by periods ("dots").
A Domain Name is Not the Same as URL
To be technically correct, a domain name is commonly part of a larger Internet address called
a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). A URL goes into much more detail than domain name , providing
much more information, including the specific page address, folder name , machine name, and
The URL for this page is: