Sample of Color BackgroundsChange the background color by clicking the buttons below. This page has colored rulers and text. Colored backgrounds can be useful for both single pages and complete webs. Colored backgrounds require no download time and thus can be very useful with complete webs as part of a theme.
You have to be careful with the color of type when using color for a background. Regular Type: Red Blue Green Black Yellow Light Blue Light Green Bold Type: Red Blue Green Black Yellow Light Blue Light Green At the same time, some color combinations can be attractive. Color is subjective. The safe bet is black on white. Kind of dull, but most people can read it well and is, most of the time, not an irritant. However, in certain situations a proper mix of colors can create precisely the required look and feel. Now, let's see what a graphic image, both clipart and photo, look like on this background: Clipart with Transparent Background Photograph Design Elements: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and ASP. |