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Cookies - Cookies - Complex

Cookies are used to store viewer information from visit to visit or during a single visit.  The viewer has the option to disable cookies without regard to a website's requirements.  Using cookies thus requires that the viewer's browser be cookie enabled.  If cookies can not be used from session to session then the fall back position is to record user information in a server-side database.

Cookies can be set to expire (be deleted from the user's computer) immediately or for set periods of time in the future.

Complex Cookies involve using both user input and programming techniques to capture information.  The following cookie usage will display the date and time you accessed this page and then store that information in a cookie.  The "next page" simply reads the cookie and displays the same date and time.

In addition, Complex Cookies with forms allow for verification of data.

Complex Cookie

Oops, you didn't start with the Simple Cookie example.  If you had there would be a personal message to you displayed here.

Date you accessed the prior page =

Time you accessed the prior page =

This form includes verification of field data using JavaScript.

Please type your city (2 to 20 characters)

Please type a password (password must be exactly 8 characters)

Design Elements: HTML, Complex Form, Cookies, CSS, JavaScript and ASP.

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