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Design Contract Appendix A

El Valle Consulting

Appendix A to
Web Design Agreement

El Valle Consulting, LLC.
Cowles, NM


Electronic Mail:

Section A.1. General
This Appendix A is an addendum to the Web Design Agreement (the Agreement) between EVC and _____________________________ 
(the Customer) dated ______________.  This Appendix A is explicitly incorporated within the Agreement.
Section A.1. Services and Rates (See Agreement, Sections 2. and 7.):
All services described herein are to be performed by EVC and/or its sub-contractors in accordance with the most commonly accepted standards and practices for the publishing of websites.

(Insert services and related rates as determined during initial consultation.)

Section A.1.1. Fixed Rates
a.  Delinquent Payments:
     3% of delinquent amount for each 30 days of delinquency
b.  Returned Check charge, per occurrence $20.00
c.  Minimum Charge,  per invoice $10.00
d.  Sales Tax,  current rate if tax applies
Section A.1.2. Rates Subject to Change
All rates, prices and other monetary charges are subject to change without notice except that rates, prices and monetary charges included in this Agreement shall not change for a period of six (6) months from the date of execution of this Appendix A.
Section A.2. Content Provided By (See Agreement, Section 5):

(Insert paragraph specifying responsibilities for content.)

Section A.2.1. Publishing Rate
A Publishing Rate of $25.00 per hour will be billed to Customer for initial website content which is missing or otherwise is provided after the Published Date and which Customer desires EVC to publish on the website.
Section A.3. Maintenance (See Agreement, Section 5.1.):
Section A.3.1. Minor Maintenance

(Strike this Section A.3.1. if not agreed to by EVC and Customer.)

EVC agrees to perform future minor web page maintenance at a cost of $25.00 per hour over a six-month period not to exceed an average of one hour per page over six-months, including updating links and making minor changes to a sentence or paragraph.  Minor Maintenance pursuant to this section does not include removing major portions of text or other content from a page and replacing it with new text or other content or adding additional pages.
Section A.3.2. Repair
If Customer or an agent of Customer, other than EVC, attempts to update, change or otherwise amend Customer's web pages and damages the design or ability for the web pages to display or function properly, time to repair the web pages will be billed at the hourly rate of $60.00 per hour.  This repair charge is not included as part of any other services agreed to by EVC and Customer.
Section A.4. Incremental Notice (See Agreement, Section 7.1.):

Amount of billable work pursuant to Agreement, Section 7.1:


     e-mail notice:

        To EVC:

        To Customer:   ____________________________________
Section A.5. Standard Media Delivery
The Agreement and this Appendix A, unless otherwise amended, assumes that all text is provided by Customer in electronic file ASCII format or Microsoft Word format (on floppy disk, via e-mail or via FTP retrievable).  All photographs and other graphics will be provided in high quality print suitable for scanning or in electronic format on a floppy disk, e-mail or FTP retrievable in .gif, .png or .jpeg (.jpg) formats.
Section A.6. Programming Code
EVC will create programming code as necessary to meet the requirements for publishing Customer's website.  This includes code elements being custom created for Customer and may include purchased toolbox techniques and pre-developed code that is the property of EVC or one of its Contractors.  Even though EVC will provide ownership of the source code for the website to Customer in accordance with Section 8 of the Agreement, EVC specifically does not grant ownership of copyrighted purchased toolbox techniques and pre-developed code which may have been incorporated in the code.
Section A.7. Access to Web Site Server
In order to install Customer's website EVC is hereby granted read/write access to Customer's web host server storage directories which must be accessible via FTP or FrontPage technologies.  Depending upon the scope of the website project, other resources may have to be configured on the web host server.  Customer agrees to provide EVC with all necessary passwords and user identifications as required to access Customer's website on the web host server.
Section A.8. Right to Remove Web Site
By signing this Appendix A to the Agreement, Customer agrees to provide EVC or its appointed agents "on demand" access to the installed website and Customer further agrees that EVC shall have the right to remove the website from public posting for failure to adhere to the terms of the Agreement and this Appendix A, including violating any licensing agreements or failure to pay fees duly billed.  Customer agrees to provide EVC with all necessary passwords and user identifications as required to access Customer's website on the web host server for purposes of deleting the web websitepursuant to this provision.
Section A.9. Advertising Fees
All advertising fees for the website shall be payable by Customer in advance of the commitment for advertisement by EVC.
Section A.10. Design Credit
Unless otherwise agreed, Customer agrees to allow EVC to include the following statement in 8 pt. type at the bottom of each page of Customer's website:

Web Site Design by El Valle Consulting

The above design credit shall be linked to EVC's website.

Section A.11. Refusal to Service and Related Limitation of Liability
EVC reserves the right to refuse service for an advertisement or other material posted to the website that EVC in its sole discretion believes is not legal, ethical or in good taste.
Section A.11.1. Customer Material
Customer hereby agrees that any material submitted for publication will not contain anything leading to an abusive or unethical use of the website's  web hosting service or host server.  Abusive and unethical materials and uses include, but are not limited to:  spam, pornography, obscenity, nudity, violations of privacy, computer viruses, any harassing and harmful material or uses, any illegal activity or material advocating illegal activity, and any infringement of privacy or act of libel.
Section A.11.2. Indemnification
Customer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless EVC from any claim resulting from Customer's publication of material or use of those materials.   Customer specifically agrees that EVC shall not be held liable or responsible for content of any advertisements or other material Customer publishes on the web site.
Section A.12. Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
Customer and EVC will regard the placement of an order with EVC or agreement with EVC for the authoring or placement of website pages as an acceptance of the above terms and conditions.  Orders may be placed by telephone or e-mail and must be confirmed in writing via U.S. Mail with such confirmation including a signed copy of the Agreement and this Appendix A.
Signatures: Both Customer and EVC agree to the above stipulations as an addendum to the Agreement.  In witness whereof, the parties hereto have executed this Appendix A to the Agreement as of the date indicated below:

     Signature:  _____________________________________

     Title:           ____________________________ Date: __________
El Valle Consulting, LLC.

     Signature:  _____________________________________

     Title:           ____________________________ Date: __________

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