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Web Design Pricing

Add-On Features - Page 1


What We Do

Price Item No.
Advertisement Rotator Explanation $45.00 per hour 321421
Animation (see Graphics)
Clean-up Graphic (see Graphics)
Confirmation Form (see Forms)
Content Linking, hyper-text (2 per page) Explanation No Charge 321411
Content Linking, contents page (hard code) Explanation $25.00 per hour 321412
Content Linking, contents page (automatic) Explanation $25.00 total 321413
Content Linking, page sequencing Explanation $45.00 per hour 321414
Content Publishing Explanation $25.00 per hour
Consulting Explanation $100.00 per hour, plus expenses 304101
Copywriting, simple Explanation $25.00 per hour 304111
Copywriting, semi-complex Explanation $35.00 per hour 304112
Copywriting, complex Explanation $45.00 per hour 304113
E-mail (free form message content) Explanation $25.00 per page 321441
E-mail (auto reply to incoming message) Explanation $45.00 per hour 321442
E-mail (auto send, variable contents) Explanation $55.00 per hour 321443
Flash (see Macromedia)
Fonts (downloadable, dynamic, embedded) Explanation $45.00 per hour 321431
Form, no validation Explanation $25.00 per page 321451
Form, with field validation Explanation $35.00 per page 321452
Form Confirmation (form) Explanation $45.00 per page 321453
Form Confirmation (e-mail) Explanation $55.00 per hour 321454
Graphic Animation (GIF) Explanation $55.00 per hour 321315
Graphic Clean-up (bitmap pixel) Explanation $25.00 per hour 321311
Graphic Touch-up (photo image) Explanation $55.00 per hour 321312
Help File editing & creation Explanation $45.00 per hour 371111
Image Maps (graphic creation) Explanation $55.00 per hour 321321
Image Maps (map creation & hyper-linking) Explanation $45.00 per hour 321322
Minimum Charge $10.00 per invoice 102111
Prices are subject to change without notice and sales tax will be added if applicable.
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Design Elements: HTML, DHTML, complex CSS, complex JavaScript and ASP.

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